Discovery Trail
Discovery Trail is well used by students and others to walk or bike downtown
The Discovery Trail is one of the most well used pathways in Squamish.
I use this easy grade route to downtown because I am happy to exercise and make a small contribution to reducing greenhouse gas. Every little bit will help to enhance the livability of our community and our only world.
This trail gives a pleasant walk through changing scenery while staying within town limits. The north end of the trail starts on an old section of Highway 99 where Government Road and Centennial Way meet.
This paved part ends near Sandman Inn, from where the gravel path takes you to beyond The Brick store. Then the trail enters the new growth woods of Britannia Slough before ending south of the school sports fields opposite the Squamish Station shopping centre. The crosswalk midway along the trail at Commercial Way is likely to be impacted by increased heavy truck traffic into the Industrial Park and also onward to Squamish Terminals.
The Britannia Slough wetlands were revitalized in 2008 by the Squamish River Watershed Society. The project increased tidal water flow, improved wildlife habitat and provided a better natural environment along the trail. This has enabled amphibian species such as frogs, toads and salamanders to gain a foothold and for salmon, trout and other fish to slowly return to this once-productive tidal slough.
The slough also provides a safe corridor for resident and transient birds. Avian populations are counted each month by the active birding group of the Squamish Environmental Society. Habitat improvement in this area has also benefited from assistance of the Sea to Sky Clean Air Society and BC Hydro coastal fish and wildlife restoration program.
Other actions which will further improve the previously dismal south section of this trail are ongoing. An Alternative School class did a very fine job of constructing a new footbridge, The Alternative Crossing, off Carson Street in 2015. Our municipal parks operations then did a good job of rebuilding and resurfacing the approaches to the new footbridge.
The Discovery Trail provides a good example of the increased involvement of all our citizens in creating safe routes to schools, a big part of the Active Transportation Plan to improve traffic flow and safety in our town. The value of these projects is reflected in the increased usage of our trails. Residents and visitors are becoming more interested in access to peaceful and natural sights and sites.This trail joins the north end of downtown to the recreation facilities around Brennan Park. The 3.8 km trail is mostly gravel with an easy grade and is well used by students.
Origin of name: A dictionary definition of “discovery” is “to become aware by searching or chance” – likely in reference to students deep in thought as they ponder the mysteries of the tidal slough and life. Also, Discovery was the British naval sloop captained by George Vancouver. This ship anchored off Darrell Bay in June 1792 during the search for a northwest passage.
Trailhead: Off Cleveland avenue opposite Squamish Station shopping centre. A better option for parking is at the rear of Howe Sound Secondary School on Carson Street.
Use: Double track. Hiking and biking.
Difficulty: Easy. Green.
Elevation: 10 m up to 36 m.
Distance: 3.8 km
Etiquette: When overtaking, announce your intentions early.
Photo: Chris Dale
A map of the trail that runs from downtown to the Mamquam River. Map provided by